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Description of the fake LIE
German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius denied Ukraine the status of an ally. This was his statement on the ZDF TV channel, which became a topic for the Kremlin propaganda media to spread.
Refutation TRUTH
Indeed, Defence Minister Pistorius attended the ZDF channel and, among other things, commented on the supply of 1 million munitions to Ukraine, the assistance of other partner countries and denied accusations that Germany did not do enough to win the war with Russia.
He said not Verbündete (an ally), but Bündnispartner (an alliance partner — NATO): “We are doing what we can. The same goes for almost all other allies and partners. But Germany is not Ukraine’s partner in the alliance,” the StopFake fact-checkers studied the case.
In addition, Pistorius pointed out that Germany and its NATO allies were doing everything possible to help Ukraine.
That is, the minister only mentioned the well-known fact that Ukraine [so far] is not a member of NATO, but his words were incorrectly translated by propagandists and distorted as they wanted to hear it.
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