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Description of the fake LIE
According to propaganda Telegram channels, due to numerous violations, Ukrainian refugees will be sanctioned in the form of a ban on free movement between EU countries.
Refutation TRUTH
There were no “statements” regarding the restriction of asylum seekers in the right to move freely by the European Union, either from officials or from the relevant EU bodies. Similarly, there are no data on alleged “numerous violations” on the part of Ukrainians.
“For the ‘plausibility’ of the post, the authors of the fake posted the names of several countries in the text with a link that supposedly should show which restrictions had been introduced in these countries, but the user would not get any important information,” the investigators of the BezBrekhni project state.
Fact-checkers note that links to Poland, Germany, and Portugal redirect the user to the usual news of these countries on other Telegram channels, which do not cover the topic of refugees or any restrictions for them at all.
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