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Durov’s charges are related to the illegal sale of weapons, drugs, and pornography on Telegram. But this can only be a reason for more serious incrimination.
Ihor Solovei, Head of the Centre for Strategic Communications and Information Security, stated on the live air of the telethon:
“On the one hand, Durov is really bothering France from the perspective of criminal offenses because in France, as well as in many countries around the world, Telegram has created a whole ecosystem for the illegal sale of weapons, drugs, pornography, illegal broadcasts of sports matches, etc.
On the other hand, France has its own businesses with Mr. Durov, not least because he flew to Paris from Azerbaijan, with which France has very strained relations. Let me remind you that Azerbaijan led the anti-French coalition around the world, where there are French interests.”
Perhaps, French law enforces also want to know what exactly Durov was doing in Baku and whether there was any conspiracy, added Solovei:
“In the end, even the famous criminal Al Capone was arrested not for his crimes but for tax violations. Therefore, it is possible that this is just a pretext for more serious accusations.”
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