“Russians are working out 12 key topics against Ukrainians on Facebook at once.” The Centre presented research on informational attacks
The example of Ukraine gives us much inspiration, we have a lot to learn from you, Lutz Güllner
Correct vocabulary related to Putin’s “election” in Russia. March 2024
Moscow perceives the countries of the Global South as a weak link, according to the Centre for Strategic Communication
The Center’s publication on the information war was created not only for historical purposes but also for law enforcement agencies, says Ihor Solovei
Today, full-fledged schools of strategic communications are being formed in Ukraine — Ihor Solovei
The Russian government pursues a policy of dehumanization of Ukrainians, the crimes of Russians are not accidental
“Prosecutor General’s Office to Use the Document in Investigations.” Key Points from the Presentation of the Study that Will Help Punish the Occupiers for the Genocide of Ukrainians
Combating disinformation is a common priority of the EU and Ukraine, stated Borrell during a visit to the Centre for Strategic Communication
“Unbreakable When United” campaign: Ukrainians unite to overcome challenges
The state, experts, and civil society join forces to counter Russian cartographic propaganda
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