
German MFA Records Russia’s Intensification in Spreading Fake News

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Perpetrators are especially active in using social networks such as Telegram for disinformation, but the ministry resolutely opposes them, said a representative of the German Ministry of Internal Affairs, quoted by DW.

“Over the past 12 months, the scale of Russian disinformation has not decreased at all. On social networks, fake accounts spread authentic-looking but fabricated messages of well-known news portals,” says the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Germany.

At the same time, Russia still relies on a complex network of state or state-affiliated actors to spread lies.

“They seek to influence public opinion in Germany, to exacerbate conflicts in German society, and increase distrust of state institutions and government actions among the population. As before, well-known narratives are disseminated and relevant topics are commented on,” he stressed.

Recently, the President of Finland Niinistö announced that Russian propaganda intensified its measures against his country.

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