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Description of the fake LIE
James Stavridis, the former commander of NATO forces in Europe, said that the Ukrainian Defence Forces would not defeat the Russian army, which was better equipped and trained. This is reported by Russian media with reference to Bloomberg.
Refutation TRUTH
In his column, Stavridis pointed only to Russia’s superiority in aviation and stressed that Western sanctions were “leaky.”
“Putin’s economy is growing, albeit in small increments. And his armies, after their stunningly weak performance in the first year of the war, have stiffened into capable defenders behind their belts of mines, barriers and tanks — all protected by air power Ukraine cannot match.” It is this quote that the Russian propagandists distorted, StopFake journalists noted.
The NATO ex-commander did not recognize the full superiority of the Russian army over the Ukrainian one but stressed that it would be possible to avoid a stalemate in the war by providing Ukraine with tools for protection.
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